Tuesday, January 6, 2009

1st time blogz, enjoy! XD

1st time blogging, hope it wont bore readers till its called "plain bored".

Its a new year, and i want to eat up the 8 month holiday's time by blogging.

This is me, cant find a better photo XD

U all might wonder : "what? 8 month holz?" Actually i'm waiting for my degree intake, in AIMST in August. Last year was my foundation year (also in AIMST), [aaaahh, memories. :P] and i just finished it exactly on 31st Dec.

The 1st new thing i tried for this new year is cooking. CHECK IT OUT! My 1st self-home-made spagetti!

Its seafood by the way XD. Wanna have a closer look?

Ntg much, is just crabstick and tuna flakes, so much for seafood spagetti =,="

I learned it from Fantisizer (Faisal), at least it taste good (not coz i made it myself!), seriously.

I'm still new to this blogspot, so i'm not sure what to blog XD. I'll edit my blog 1st b4 continue, guess if its new, it has to b PLAIN BORED.


  1. Hey, not bad trying to blog ya? by the way, its FANTASIZER, not fantisizer, lol.. Stay sharp an kip in touch! piece~


  2. hey guy.........finally have blog ya.....keep updating oooo...tata

  3. Lolzz!! have fun blogging! Congratz on first time cooking! Looks kinda tasty... haha! keep it up! :D
