Monday, January 12, 2009

New Year Shopping!!

Yesterday (11th Jan) was the 1st day hanging out with someone during the 8 month break, at the same time i did my CNY (chinese new year) shopping.

So during the morning after i drove and reached penang, went to see my god-sister, a pharmacy 3rd year student in USM. I forgot to take a picture with her on that day, but i do have 1 with her in aimst.


There she is. XD [how i met her? is a long story :P] She took me a tour around her campus, and its very huge! Again, i was staggered by the size and distracted from her tour that i forgot to take pictures again. So no point going on, readers will feel bored without the pictures. XD

All i can say is she said is 1 of the smallest campus for government colleges. She said colleges like UPM, roads are even like highways, @,@. Imagine the size. (i know i know, dont know, dont care, dont bother :P)

Back to new year's shopping, my destination is queensbay, cos the fren i mentioned that i'm gonna meet is Jo Reem. So here are some pics of the centre part of the mall with CNY theme decorations.

so many different kinds of lanterns. This is during the day, check out the beauty at night,

They sure took time setting them up. below it is a ship and a bridge.

from 1st floor view (sorry about the blurness) and during the night

at night is more beautiful.

and check out what's on the boat,


So yeah, we walked around, have some conversations, and look around at some new year sales.

and there were performance too, but didn't observe too much, cos it was more fun reading books in Borders.

I felt so happy reading a book since I haven even touched one for a while that i even bought 1 from the self-improvement section. XD

After that we went and watched the Yes Man movie, it was really hilarious, recommended! Then my shopping for clothes officially starts. :P

Though Jo told me her sense of fashion was not so good, but thats the reason I called someone to teman me shopping. Bought a shirt for RM60 and 2 pants for RM50, well actually is buy 1 free 1. XD  (You'll know when i wear it in AIMST)

Ok then we went for dinner in a Japanese restaurant that was recommended by my god-sis at 7.30 pm, called Azuma Fine Dining, its newly open and their japanese theme is very excellent, even the waiters and waitresses use Thank U, Welcome, Come again, all in japanese. 

Sorry again, i forgot to take the inside cos i was distracted from its beauty and my hungry stomach. >,<

Anyway I ordered a sushi set and Jo Reem ordered Chicken Teriyaki Set. Believe me its expensive but we pay what we get for, the taste is so good that u feel like u r eating in Japan. XD

Actually its a bit bigger, i ate some of it already :P Theres salmon, tuna, fish eggs, prawn and even octopus.

Her set comes with miso soup, a bowl of rice and something else i cant remember. Wanna take a closer look at the teriyaki chicken?

Must b tasty. After our meal they gave us a ping pong-ball-sized green-tea ice cream, which is included in our set. Did I mention the bottomless green tea they also serve? XD

After our dinner we stayed and left around 9.45 pm, sent her back home and drive back here with a book, 2 pants and 1 shirt, and of cos, a memorable day with a fren. ^^

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Test drive NEW CITY

What a memorable day, I just test drove the new Honda City! (Apologize for not taking the pictures with my phone, the promoter didnt allowed me to)

It was awesome! For your info, i'm currently driving a city too, 2004 model, vtec.

Anyway back to the NEW city, when i walk into Honda showroom, 1st impression of the car is, unique styling, my fav part is the front grill.

Don't judge a book by its cover? Well the content in this "book" is unique as well. 

There's lotsa head & leg room for both front and back passangers. It is very comfortable. I love the feature where u can plug in yr USB drive or IPOD into the audio system and play.

My fav performance part is the flappy paddle gear box, I had fun with it when I was driving it. XD

Too bad my current city is "tip-tronic" cos it is using CVT (continuous variable transmission). Wanna know more about it? Go to [i know u wouldnt care about knowing it anyway :P]

back to the NEW city again, it has 5 speed semi-auto transmission, Engine 1.5L i-vtec is very powerful when I floor it. Unfortunately i forgotten to try the 5 meter turning diameter cos i was too nervous driving a new car XD

There r lots more great features but i'm not that interested it. But driving it was really exciting, just like the quote they use, "excitement in the City". Haha! If u dont get the picture, just go test drive it yourself and u'll understand. :P

1st time blogz, enjoy! XD

1st time blogging, hope it wont bore readers till its called "plain bored".

Its a new year, and i want to eat up the 8 month holiday's time by blogging.

This is me, cant find a better photo XD

U all might wonder : "what? 8 month holz?" Actually i'm waiting for my degree intake, in AIMST in August. Last year was my foundation year (also in AIMST), [aaaahh, memories. :P] and i just finished it exactly on 31st Dec.

The 1st new thing i tried for this new year is cooking. CHECK IT OUT! My 1st self-home-made spagetti!

Its seafood by the way XD. Wanna have a closer look?

Ntg much, is just crabstick and tuna flakes, so much for seafood spagetti =,="

I learned it from Fantisizer (Faisal), at least it taste good (not coz i made it myself!), seriously.

I'm still new to this blogspot, so i'm not sure what to blog XD. I'll edit my blog 1st b4 continue, guess if its new, it has to b PLAIN BORED.